Quarantine policies let you control the quarantine on how users can use it. This post will cover the default policies and how to create a custom policy.

What are quarantine policies

Back in April 2020, Microsoft made it possible for users to view, release, or delete quarantined messages (expect high confidence phishing). Some organizations were not happy about users having access to their own quarantined items. Quarantine policies give you more control over quarantine for your end users and which quarantined items they can release.

The default quarantine policies

You can access it from the Quarantine policies section of the Microsoft Security Portal.

Out of the box, you will see three policies:

  • DefaultFullAccessPolicy
  • AdminOnlyAccessPolicy
  • DefaultFullAccessWithNotificationPolicy


This policy has the quarantine settings as we have them since April 2020, and includes the following settings (expect high confidence phishing):

User message access:

  • release the message from quarantine
  • block sender (Outlook block sender list, junk mail settings)
  • delete the message
  • preview the message

Quarantine notification:

  • Disabled


This policy is the default High Confidence Phishing (HSPM) policy and assigns no access permissions to the items, and includes the following settings:

User message access:

  • No allowed actions

Quarantine notification:

  • Disabled


This policy has the same settings as the DefaultFullAccessPolicy quarantine policy, but with quarantine notifications enabled, and includes the following settings:

User message access:

  • release the message from quarantine
  • block sender (Outlook block sender list, junk mail settings)
  • delete the message
  • preview the message

Quarantine notification:

  • Enabled

Create a custom quarantine policy, such as for request to release

In some situations, you may want your users to be able to request that a message be released from quarantine, rather than releasing it themselves. To do this, you can create a custom quarantine policy by following the steps below:

  1. Go to Quarantine Policies in the Microsoft Security portal.
  2. Click on ‘Add custom policy’.
  3. Specify a policy name such as RequestReleaseFullAccessPolicy.
  4. Under Recipient Message Access select Limited access.

IMAGE With Set specific access you can turn on or off each User message access action as desired, for more advanced configurations.

  1. Enable quarantine notifications, if desired.
  2. Safe your policy.


The User message access actions for the created custom quarantine policy will be:

  • request to release the message from quarantine
  • block sender (Outlook block sender list, junk mail settings)
  • delete the message
  • preview the message

Quarantine notification:

  • Enabled

Users can request release of quarantined items after you assign the quarantine policy to an action in one of the threat policies, as described above:


Tenant Admins or *Quarantine Administrators can approve or deny release requests in the quarantine:


*Quarantine Administrators

Quarantine Administrators is an Email & collaboration role group in the Microsoft Defender portal. You should add the Quarantine Administrators to the ‘User requested to release a quarantined message’ alert policy as recipients, so that they receive an informational email alert when a user requested a release from the quarantine.

Global settings

You can also change the notification email settings under Global Settings, where you can set settings such as the recurrence of quarantine notifications or change the layout of the email.

In summary

After you have set up the quarantine policies the way you want them, you can use your quarantine policies in the threat policies actions.
